x=5 print(x)
from ipyleaflet import * from ipywidgets import * # A leaflet map with the Strava tile layer. m = Map(center=(52, 10), zoom=8, basemap=basemaps.CartoDB.DarkMatter) strata_all = basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.Strava.All) m.add_layer(strata_all) # Coordinates label coordinates = Label(value='[]') display(m) display(coordinates) # Wire the mouse position with the coordinates label def handle_interaction(**kwargs): if kwargs.get('type') == 'mousemove': coordinates.value = str(kwargs.get('coordinates')) m.on_interaction(handle_interaction)
from ipyleaflet import Map, Heatmap from random import uniform import time def create_random_data(length): "Return a list of some random lat/lon/value triples." return [[uniform(-80, 80), uniform(-180, 180), uniform(0, 1000)] for i in range(length)] m = Map(center=[0, 0], zoom=2) m
Now we add a heatmap:
heat = Heatmap(locations=create_random_data(1000), radius=20, blur=10) m.add_layer(heat)
Finally, we add some animation to our heatmap:
for i in range(100): heat.locations = create_random_data(1000) time.sleep(0.1)